Sabtu, 02 Juni 2018

The Way To Have a Healthy Life For Dormitory's Students

Healthy is the most important things for a human being, in particular for dormitory's students who far from their hometown and parents. As a student who lives in dormitory we must keep our body stay healthy because if we get sick, we don’t know who will take care of us.

If we want to keep our body to always fit, we must to manage our mindset and manage our eating pattern. Here I have some tips to manage it:


  • Know your eating pattern; although the state of the economy you are limited, you can’t ignore your eating pattern. With to keep our eating pattern twice a day can give your belly more time to rest. Well, all the time this body can store the enzymes it needs.
  • Minimize to eat junk foods; for your information, many junk foods contain little bit nutrients but rich in sugar, calories, and unhealthy fats. That’s why many people who always eat junk foods are fat.
  • Look for cheap food but nourish; most students who live in dormitories may be difficult to buy healthy food.well, for you who live in the dormitory but has financial stakes. Maybe you guys can buy cheap but healthy food, such as nuts, tofu, etc.


  • Take a bath twice a day; many students who live in the dormitory are easy to get sick because they are lazy to go to take a bath. So you must take a bath twice a day because it can prevent germs adhere to our body. make it a habit of bathing in the morning and evening.
  • Always change your clothes when you already wet; most students who live in the dormitory are lazy to change their clothes and it can make you exposed skin disease, so be diligent to change your clothes.
  • Don’t exchange your clothes with other people; because in exchanging your clothes with other people it can lead to the spread of germs are stuck in the clothes to the skin. many dorm swap clothing only for urgent needs.
  • Be diligent to wash your clothes; because if you’re not diligent to wash your clothes, you will be easy to exposed skin disease.
  • Don’t think too much; if you think too much about anything, in particular, think about a person. Your body will easily to run out energy and easy to get sick. So trying to not think unnecessary thinks. 
So if we want to keep our healthy much better than usual, we need to pay attention to this healthy lifestyles and we have to apply this lifestyle to our life.

I think that’s my tips for you guys. I wish that it can be useful to everyone who read this, in particular, the students who live in the dormitory. Remember! behind a healthy body, there is a positive thought. Thanks for your nice attention and Don’t think someone who doesn’t care about you.

You know I live in IAIN Parepare dormitory for about 2 years it feels great to fun and I like it. Many friends from various cities and live in IAIN Parepare dormitory to study with so many friends from various cities teach us to socialize and help each other.

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